Powell Liberty Historical Society

A window into the past of Powell and Liberty Township

Programs Videos

Click on the video thumbail to view the video.

Underground Railroad in Ohio

This video is a recording of Valerie Boyer's, educational and entertaining presentation about the codes and hidden meaning in Negro spriritauals that guided travelers on the Underground Railroad. The presentation exposed the subleties of the lyrics and music that formed the codes followed by participants on the Underground Railroad that most of us had never noticed or heard of. The presentation very clearly showed that the Underground Railroad was much more that routes and stations. Its character and features where hidden within the culture. In the words of one participant, the presentation was "eye opening." The audience filled the Powell Municipal Building East Room, was engaged start to finish, and produced an extended question and answer session. Music Credit: "Wade in the Water" by Antioch Mass Choir Content ID: IYHT9ZVYLRRVEDB7

Presentor(s):   Valerie Boyer

Videographer:   Allen Miller


History of Super Bowl Commercials

Ron, president of Ron Foth Advertising, presents the history of Super Bowl advertising, including a preview (at the time of the presentation) of some of the 2025 Super Bowl commercials. He discusses some of the most significant ads over the years and the impact that they had on advertising. Music Credit: "Big Game" by In This World Content ID: TiyL7CJQRTZNK1IW0MT

Presentor(s):   Ron Foth, Jr.

Videographer:   Allen Miller


Our Unwritten History in Stone - PiP

The recording of Steve Schenck's presentation had technical issue and could not be used. This video is a temporary substitute until the presentation can be rerecorded. It uses a picture-in-picture format with a thumbnail video superimposed on the presentation slides. The superimposed video contains framing, focusing, and exposure aids and is not color corrected or graded but it does show Steve as he interacted with the screen and the audience. We apologize in advance for the quality and for any inconvenience. Watch for the updated video in the near future. Steve Schenck, a life-long resident of Delaware County and Liberty Township and 45 year member of the Archaeological Society of Ohio, discusses the earliest people to visit and explore Delaware County and Liberty Township Ohio beginning nearly 14,000 years ago. Who were the first people to visit Liberty Township & Delaware County? Where did they come from? How did they survive and evolve? What evidence did they leave? The discussion provides a glimpse into the lives of these people and their cultures that came and inhabited our township and county. Evidence and examples of their existence will be presented as well as actual artifacts to see. Music Credit: Nocturnal Written and performed by Stephen Keech Content ID: 6HSQPWKB6GLMP7OT

Presentor(s):   Steve Schenck

Videographer:   Allen Milller


Our Unwritten History in Stone - Slides and Narration

Steve Schenck, a life-long resident of Delaware County and Liberty Township and 45 year member of the Archaeological Society of Ohio discusses the earliest people to visit and explore Delaware County and Liberty Township beginning nearly 14,000 years ago. Who were the first people to visit Liberty Township & Delaware County? Where did they come from? How did they survive and evolve? What evidence did they leave? The discussion provides a glimpse into the lives of these people and their cultures that came and inhabited our township and county. Evidence and examples of their existence will be presented as well as actual artifacts to see. This video includes the slides show with Steve's narration. Music Credit: Nocturnal Written and performed by Stephen Keech Content ID: YG2JOBYGHVPPRGOZ

Presentor(s):   Steve Schenck

Videographer:   NA


Haunting Histories

A video recording of Charise William's presentation at the May 13, 2024 program presented at the Martin-Perry House. Charise explained what the various types of hauntings are, some of her favorite places to explore in Ohio and her recent investigation of the Martin-Perry House. She concluded with equipment recommendations to get started with ghost hunting and an extended question and answer session. Music Credit: "Unworld" by Lost Ghosts Content ID: Y6F3AZLK8B3QA7VP

Presentor(s):   Charize Williams

Videographer:   Allen Miller


Local History Quiz

A recording of the September 15, 2024 Powell-Liberty Historical Society Program presented by Allen Miller. The presentation was in the form of a quiz examining a wide range of subjects from the history of Powell and Liberty Township with extra emphasis on the late 19th and early 20th century schools. Music credit: "Tresco Abbey" by Moments Content ID: GVN74P23TNDUEVUJ

Presentor(s):   Allen Miller

Videographer:   Allen Miller


Newark Earthworks

Brad Lepper from the Ohio History Connection and the Ohio Humanities Council describes the Newark Earthworks, the Hopewell Culture that built them, some of the efforts to preserve them through the years and the recently successuf efforts to have them established as a World Heritage Site. It is a very informative and entertaining presentation. Music credit: "Be Like Water" by Basketcase Content Code ID: BHOVP8IYCQFKPQ2R

Presentor(s):   Brad Lepper

Videographer:   Allen Miller


Delaware County Sports

Brent Carson, retired history teacher and long time Delaware County Historical Society volunteer, provides an interesting and often humorous presentation about the early days of sports in Delaware County. Highlighted are many pictures of facilities and teams from the early 1900s through today and interesting anecdotes about school related sports before it became the big business it is today. Music credit: "August" by Dario Benedetti Content Code ID: IMMCRQWN9KTZUON8

Presentor(s):   Brent Carson

Videographer:   Allen Miller


Libraries on Horseback

Linda Foster, retired teacher and history enthusiast, tells about the Libraries on Horseback Project, a WPA (Works Progress Administration) program that delivered books to remote regions in the Appalachian Mountains between 1935 and 1943. This was an important effort to bring books to remote regions that otherwise had little access to books. Music Credit: "Dialogues" by Rest and Settle Content Code ID: ORLQRXNZELXBTS7H

Presentor(s):   Linda Foster

Videographer:   Allen Miller


Then and Now

This video contains a series of photographs of sites around Powell and Liberty Township in years past and the same sites today. Together they show how the area has changed and how, in some instances, the evidence of the past is still visible. No narration. Music credits: "After the Rain" by Ian Kelosky Content ID Code: QYUBKEENGBQGI4WR "Changing Colors" by Sounds Like Sander Content ID Code: 2BNKIQQFQBTNHUQ2 "Going Home" by Anthony Catacoli Content ID Code: DFC0JDN0LA4VFJKG

Presentor(s):   NA

Videographer:   NA


History of Powell and Liberty Township

The first white family to settle permanently in what became Liberty Township, Delaware County, Ohio arrived in 1801. Using pictures, this video briefly traces the development of the area by highlighting a few key events. Music Credit: "Reason for Living" by Alsever Lake Content ID Code: DQGWTCJTNP2SC9G9

Presentor(s):   Allen Miller

Videographer:   NA


Serpent Mound - An Icon of Ancient Ohio

Brad Lepper, Senior Archaeologist, Ohio History Connection World Heritage Program, describes the Serpent Mound located in Adams County Ohio and various studies performed over the years to try to determine its origin and age. Music credit: "Light the Way" by Ian Kelosky Content ID Code: BHMGEU8JF1V5ERX9

Presentor(s):   Brad Lepper

Videographer:   Allen Miller


How I Spent My Honeymoon With Martha Washington

Ron Foth Jr. takes us on a tour of the Presidential libraries and museums that he has visited and explains the story behind the title. Music Credit: "Hail to the Chief" by the US Marine Corp. Band

Presentor(s):   Ron Foth, Jr.

Videographer:   Allen Miller


History of the Liberty Presbyterian Church

Tracy Scott presented the history of the Liberty Presbyterian Church that dates back to 1810. She also pointed out key features on the grounds and showed and discussed key features of the barn sanctuary. Misic credit: "Sigh of Relief" by Moment Content ID Code: JOAZNXNERVFNWN66

Presentor(s):   Tracy Scott

Videographer:   Allen Miller


Powell In the Civil War - The Halls

Video of Mandy Henning's presentation for the November 14, 2022 program. The focus is on the Hall family that sent seven sons to the civil war with only five returning. General civil war history is also included. Music Credit: "Quiet Desperation Part 1" by JCar Content Code ID: W25M12LIOGWC9AKR

Presentor(s):   Amanda Henning

Videographer:   Allen Miller


Life on the Big Bear Farms

Diane Cordial and her daughters Cathy, Anne, Carolyn and Marilyn describe growing up on the Big Bear Farms and life in Powell in the 70's, 80's and 90's. Diane's husband Chuck was the farm manager from 1961 until it closed in 1996. Music Credit: "Chasing Horizons" by Dreamlamp Content ID Code: IGWDKYC19R3RPIKM

Presentor(s):   Diane Cordial and Daughters

Videographer:   Allen Miller


Irena Carpenter's Journal

Sherry Carmichael portrays Irena Carpenter, the matriarch of the first white family to settle in Delaware County, as she describes her family and their moves from Connecticut to central New York and then in 1801 to what became Liberty Township. Music credit: "Dreamstrider" by Cody Martin Content ID Code:: XCU6YRMTJP66BJVE

Presentor(s):   Sherry Carmichael

Videographer:   Allen Miller


Beyond Peter Rabbit

Linda Foster describes the many fascinating facets of Beatrix Potter's life including the origin of Peter Rabbit and many of her other books.

Presentor(s):   Linda Foster

Videographer:   Allen Miller


Meet a French Voyageur Fur Trader

Tim Kreps becomes Henri, a French Voyageur fur trader, as he shares many trade artifacts and many stories of the Voyageur. You will hear the music of the jaw harp, hear the crack of a flintlock rifle, and see starting a fire with flint and steel, Music Credit: "We Will Last" by Alsever Lake Content Code ID:: TMOMV3DRPI0TJMNC

Presentor(s):   Tim Kreps

Videographer:   Allen Miller


History of the Columbus Zoo

Dr. Michael Kreger, VP of Conservation and Sustainablility at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium presented the History of the Columbus Zoo, 1927 - 2022. Major events in the development are highlighted with numerous anecdotes about zoos in general and the Columbus zoo in particular.

Presentor(s):   Dr. Michael Kreger

Videographer:   Allen Miller


For the Love of Chocolate

Recording of Gretchen Curtis' presentation for the February 14, 2022 program titled "For the Love of Chocolate". The program was prerecorded for presentation at the scheduled time. Gretchen discussed the history of chocolate, where and how it is grown and harvested, its introduction as a treat for the wealthy and how it became more widely distributed for the enjoyment of people around the globe.

Presentor(s):   Gretchen Curtis

Videographer:   Allen Miller


Honoring Veterans of Powell and Liberty Township

Video prerecorded on November 1, 2021 for the November 8, 2021 program honoring veterans. The presenters are Marilyn Battin, Amanda Henning, and Sherry Carmichael. Veterans from the Revolutionary War to current day are highlighted with interesting anecdotes and photographs.

Presentor(s):   Marilyn Battin, Amanda Henning, and Sherry Carmichael

Videographer:   Allen Miller


Interview with Don Bell

An interview with Don Bell conducted by Carole Wilhelm on June 25, 2021 for the September 2021 Program. Don grew up in Powell and attended the Powell School all 12 years. He has many humorous anecdotes about Powell in the '30s and '40s.

Presentor(s):   Don Bell

Videographer:   Allen Miller


Don Bell Interview - Extras

A few extra clips from the Don Bell interview, not included in the main video, that reveal more of Don's personality.

Presentor(s):   Don Bell

Videographer:   Allen Miller


Walking Tour of the Powell Cemetery

A video of the walking tour of the Powell Cemetery hosted by Sherry Carmichael. The tour highlights the first burial (Sherry's great, great, great grandfather) and several other significant former residents of Powell with highlights of Powell history along the way.

Presentor(s):   Sherry Carmichael

Videographer:   Allen Miller


All Men Should Be Free

Dr. Ronald St. Pierre portrays the Rev. John Rankin as he delivers an address to the Ohio Anti-Slavery Society in 1851.

Presentor(s):   Dr. Ronald St. Pierre

Videographer:   Allen Miller


A Look at Ohio's Historic Barns

Video recorded for Dan Troth's presentation about timber framed barns focusing on restoration and relocation of barns from the 1800s.

Presentor(s):   Dan Troth

Videographer:   Allen Miller


The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History

March 8, 2021 presentation by Dr. Alice Frasier describing the 1918 pandemic with comparisons to Covid 19. The similarities of the two pandemics are reviewed and some of the differences between the two viruses are presented.

Presentor(s):   Dr. Alice Frasier

Videographer:   Allen Miller


100 Miles Downstream

Presented by Brett Carmichael for the Feb. 8, 2021 Powell-Liberty Historical Society program. The presentation was recorded on Feb. 3 and made available for viewing on Feb. 8. The Portsmouth, Ohio "100 Mile House" is a little known gem in southern Ohio, recently nominated for the National Registration of Historic Places. Learn how the property received its moniker, the connection to Ohio River navigation, and its surprising connection to Delaware County.

Presentor(s):   Brett Carmichael

Videographer:   Allen Miller


Homefront Knitting Supported WW I and WW II Troops

Gretchen Curtis' presentation for the November 9, 2020 program prerecorded on November 3, 2020. Gretchen describes the fascinating role that knitting played in supporting our troops. The emphasis is on WW I and WW II but earlier wars are also included.

Presentor(s):   Gretchen Curtis

Videographer:   Allen Miller


The Story Behind the Stories

Presentation by Linda Foster for a virtual program. Recorded on October 7, 2020 for our October 12, 2020 program. The program covered the roles of key individuals in the development of children's and teen literature in the early 20th century.

Presentor(s):   Linda Foster

Videographer:   Allen Miller


History of the Liberty Township Fire Department

Battalion Chief Jim Reardon presented the history of the Liberty Township fire department from the early '90s to the present.

Presentor(s):   Jim Reardon

Videographer:   Allen Miller


Area High School Students Work Toward Gold and Eagle Awards

Presentation by Abbie Oglibee and Gavin Bull describing girl and boy scout programs leading to the Gold Award for girls and Eagle for boys.

Presentor(s):   Abbie Oglibee and Gavin Bull

Videographer:   Allen Miller


Gavin Bull's Slides for Scouting Program

Slides with audio from Gavin Bull's presentation February 10, 2020. Gavin describes the journey through scouting culminating in the Eagle award.

Presentor(s):   Gavin Bull

Videographer:   Allen Miller


2019 Walking tour of downtown Powell

Video of the Walking Tour of Downtown Powell courtesy of Bud Cahill.

Presentor(s):   Sherry Carmichael

Videographer:   Bud Cahill


Historic House and Garden Tour

Video of Carole Wilhelm's presentation at the July 2019 program. The formation of the Powell Liberty Historical Society, restoration of the Martin-Perry House, and the long-term relationship with the Powell Area Garden Club are addressed.

Presentor(s):   Carole Wilhelm

Videographer:   Allen Miller


Historic House and Garden Tour - Slides with Audio

The presentation slides used at the July 8, 2019 program with recorded narration. The presentation addressed the formation of the Powell-Liberty Historical Society, rennovation of the Martin-Perry House, and development of the gardens by the Powell Garden Club.

Presentor(s):   Carole Wilhelm

Videographer:   NA


Hyattsville, "A Railroad Town": the village, the man and his house

Sherry Carmichael's History of Hyatts presentation from June 10, 2019. The presentation covers the formation of Hyatts in northern Liberty Township and traces its development to the present day.

Presentor(s):   Sherry Carmichael

Videographer:   Allen Miller


The Story of the Historical Marker Database

Presentation by Jose Prats, May 13, 2019. The Historical Marker Database documents the location and contents of historical markers throughout the US and the world. Jose conceived the idea of the database, developed it, and is responsible for its maintenance and operation.

Presentor(s):   Jose Prats

Videographer:   Allen Miller


The Four Corners and the Railroad Crossing

Police Chief Gary Vest remembered 23 years of service to Powell.

Presentor(s):   Gary Vest

Videographer:   Allen Miller


A Ride on the C D & M (Columbus, Delaware and Marion Railroad Company)

Jack Hilborn's presentation recorded at the Martin-Perry House July 9, 2018 Lighting conditions are not optimal. Approximately the first half is exposed for the room and the screen is not visible. The screen is somewhat more visible in the second half but the speaker and the room are underexposed.

Presentor(s):   Jack Hilborn

Videographer:   Allen Miller
