Powell Liberty Historical Society

A window into the past of Powell and Liberty Township

Program Schedule

February 06, 2025, 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Superbowl Advertising
Ron Foth
Ron Foth, an advertising executive and Powell resident, will introduce us to the world of Superbowl advertising. He will preview the ads that will appear in the 2025 Superbowl broadcast and you will have a chance to rate the ads. Many of you will remember Ron from his excellent and entertaining presentation two years ago about his visits to Presidential libraries. You can be sure this presentation will be equally entertaining and informative.

March 17, 2025, 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Interview with Larry Coolidge
Larry Coolidge
Larry Coolidge is a long-time resident of Powell, passionate supporter of Powell’s history and heritage, PLHS board member and much more. Larry has been present for Powell and Liberty Township’s rapid growth and has known many of the leaders and everyday citizens who made the area what it is today. He has a bottomless store of entertaining and insightful anecdotes about the place, its people, and how we got where we are today. His license plate number is 43065 – he is Mr. Powell.

April 21, 2025, 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Meiweather Lewis' Close Calls
Tim Kreps
Tim has given this presentation to many students and lovers of history over the last 40 years. He is a recipient of his school system's Teacher of the Year and was also named the Ohio Social Studies Teacher of the Year.