A window into the past of Powell and Liberty Township
Program Schedule
April 21, 2025, 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Meriweather Lewis' Close Calls
Tim Kreps
Retired teacher, Tim Kreps becomes Meriwether Lewis as he shares adventures of the Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery. The stories of the many close calls of Lewis are truly amazing! Tim dresses like Lewis and uses artifacts to to bring these stories to life!
Tim loves to tell stories which is one of the main reasons he was named Teacher of the year for Sylvania Schools and State Social Studies Teacher of the Year by the Ohio Council of Social Studies.
Larry Coolidge is a long-time resident of Powell, passionate supporter of Powell’s history and heritage, PLHS board member and much more. Larry has been present for Powell and Liberty Township’s rapid growth and has known many of the leaders and everyday citizens who made the area what it is today. He has a bottomless store of entertaining and insightful anecdotes about the place, its people, and how we got where we are today. His license plate number is 43065 – he is Mr. Powell.
Sherry Carmichael, a 6th Powell resident, will lead us through the Powell Cemetery, highlighting graves of many Powell residents who played significant roles in the development of Powell.
Reservations are required this event. Reservations will open at 8:00 AM on May 27, 2024, and will remain open until the tour is full. Reservations may be accessed via a link on the home page of the website, www.powellhistory.org. The tour will start promptly at 7:00 PM from the Martin-Perry House, 103 East Olentangy Street which is directly across from the Grace Drive intersection at E. Olentangy St..