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Powell Liberty Historical Society
A window into the past of Powell and Liberty Township
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Andrew 1791 - 1838
husband of Mary had sons David, John (separate folder) Samuel, Andrew J. and Crosby
Liberty Cemetery
Mary Thompson 1790 - 1838
wife of Andrew had sons David, John (separate folder) Samuel, Andrew J. and Crosby
Liberty Cemetery
David 1827 - 1890
son of Andrew Lowry
Samuel Thomas 1865 - 1937
son of David;
Union Cemetery
Annabel 1874 - 1901
buried Powell Cemetery
Samuel 1819 - 1890
son of Andrew; wife Eliza Cherry
Samuel Robert 1866 - 1935
son of Samuel;
Powell Cemetery
buried Powell Cemetery, no headstones
Annabell (Arthur) August 10, 1870 - March 28, 1955
husband Samuel Robert Lowry,
Powell Cemetery
buried Powell Cemetery, no headstones
Andrew Burroughs 1852 - 1935
son of Samuel;
buried Powell Cemetery (A. B.)
Susan Cornelia 1855 - 1937
wife of A. B.;
Powell Cemetery
buried Powell Cemetery (S.C. on marker)
James Crosby 1868 - 1938
son of John and Sarah Post, brother of Mary Lowry Martin; married Alice Julie Dixons, daughters Blanche and Iris
made maple syrup for 43 years see photos in file
Alice Julia Dixon December 29, 1868 - June 12, 1944
wife; James Crosby;daughter of William O.
(see also), daughters Blanche and Iris
Liberty Cemetery
Blanche Edna 1903 - 1978
daughter od James Crosby and Alice Julie Dixon, sister Iris
Liberty Cemetery
Sunday school teacher;Babysitted for Oscar and Marjorie Schenck, Steve , Sharon and Sandy. Blanche maintained property until her death
Iris Lowry Barker 1900 - March 27, 1999
daughter of James Crosby and Alice Julie Dixons
High School Teacher,
John April 27, 1816 - April 27, 1902
son of Andrew and Mary Thompson Lowry; first Wife Betty Thomas
Betsy Thomas March 15, 1819 - June 21, 1854
first wife of John,
Liberty Cemetery
had 5 children
Sarah A. Post December 20, 1834 - January 1, 1911
second wife, married 1855
had 5 children
Lawrence Nichols 1878 - 1961
Wife Julia Vance 1874-1937
Powell Cemetery