Powell Liberty Historical Society

A window into the past of Powell and Liberty Township

Martin-Perry Gardens Cleanup

May 18, 2024, 09:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Martin-Perry Gardens Cleanup
Colleagues of the late Jo Cornish-Gerwig from Farmers Insurance
Martin-Perry House
103 E. Olentangy St.
Powell, OH 43065


Colleagues of Jo Cornish Gerwig from Farmers Insurance and PLHS volunteers spent a beatiful May morning sprucing up the MPH grounds and garderns for the seaason. We thank the Farmers Insurance friends for their contribution in Jo's memory. Thanks also to Linda Lakemacher for coordinating the event and to Mary and Steve Schenk for pitching in with their labor and expertise. Many hands made light work and the results are beautiful.
Farmers Insurance Volunteers


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The Martin-Perry Homestead after the May Clean UP

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