Title: What Is Powell-Liberty Historical Society
Presentor: NA
Description: This video describes the Powell Liberty Historical Society located in Powell. The video explains when it was formed and why, a little about the background of the Martin-Perry House where it is headquartered, what it does, and how to become involved. Music: "Finding the Answer," by Alsever Lake. Content ID Code: FRAZ8SIWAU5DQL9B
Videographer: NA
Title: One Room Schools as They Appear Today
Presentor: NA
Description: A short video with pictures of the eight Liberty Township one room schools that are still standing. Information about the three that are no longer standing is also included. This video is not narrated. Music Credit: "Huckleberry Moonshine Rag" by Heartland Nights Content ID Code: 49UECXRZ3EO6JVT8
Videographer: NA
Title: History of Powell and Liberty Township
Presentor: Allen Miller
Description: The first white family to settle permanently in what became Liberty Township, Delaware County, Ohio arrived in 1801. Using pictures, this video briefly traces the development of the area by highlighting a few key events. Music Credit: "Reason for Living" by Alsever Lake Content ID Code: DQGWTCJTNP2SC9G9
Videographer: NA
Title: Then and Now
Presentor: NA
Description: This video contains a series of photographs of sites around Powell and Liberty Township in years past and the same sites today. Together they show how the area has changed and how, in some instances, the evidence of the past is still visible. No narration. Music credits: "After the Rain" by Ian Kelosky Content ID Code: QYUBKEENGBQGI4WR "Changing Colors" by Sounds Like Sander Content ID Code: 2BNKIQQFQBTNHUQ2 "Going Home" by Anthony Catacoli Content ID Code: DFC0JDN0LA4VFJKG
Videographer: NA