Powell Liberty Historical Society

A window into the past of Powell and Liberty Township

Powell Parks and Recreation Campers Visit the Martin-Perry House

June 29, 2022, 02:00 PM - 04:30 PM
Powell Parks and Recreation Campers Visit the Martin-Perry House
Sherry Carmichael and the Parks and Rec Campers
Martin-Perry House
103 E. Olentangy St.
Powell, OH 43065


Twenty-seven campers participating in the Powell Park and Recreation Department's summer camp program visited the Martin-Perry House for a glimpse of life 100 years ago. It was a beautiful day for new experiences.
The Parks and Rec Campers Wait for the Walk Light to Cross E. Olentangy St.


Click on the thumbnail to zoom.

Backpacks on the Porch
Sherry Carmichael Greets the Group
Push Harder
Even the Guys Have Trouble
A Little Rest in the Shade Before the Next Stop
Let's Check Out the Outhouse
This is Really Cool
Listening to Every Word
It's Been a Long Day
The Entertainer

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