Powell Liberty Historical Society

A window into the past of Powell and Liberty Township

Program Details

Serpent Mound — An Icon of Ancient Ohio
Brad Lepper, Senior Archaeologist for Ohio History Connection's World Heritage Program
3/13/2023 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Serpent Mound in Adams County is one of the largest and most spectacular earthen sculptures in the world. The age of the serpent is a subject of current debate with some archaeologists arguing that it was built by the Adena culture at around 300 B.C.E. and others favoring the Fort Ancient culture at around 1100 C.E. Although much about Serpent Mound still is shrouded in mystery, ancient cave paintings in Missouri may provide a key to unlocking some of its secrets.
Adventure Park Recreation Facility
260 Adventure Park Drive
Powell, 43065
Parking is available east of the building next to the skateboard park or adjacent to the playground. Enter the building through the south door across from the playground.